Thursday, December 9, 2021

Help Mark Whelan of Fuming Mouth Fight Back Cancer + Benefit Show


Fuming Mouth is a MA band I have written about and praised, and we have recently learned Mark, the vocalist and guitarist, is battling cancer. Please take a few moments to read the below statement from his partner, Selena and donate if you are able. 

Sunday, December 5, 2021

Some Heretic Sect Interview - DICK MEDUSA - Salem MA Metal You Have To Hear! 🤘🤘

Today I am beyond excited to present the first Some Heretic Sect Interview! I am speaking with Matt and Pat of DICK MEDUSA, a unique and creative metal band from right here in Salem that I think more people should listen to. Matt is the guitarist & vocalist, while Pat's on drums. 

Monday, November 22, 2021

Support Wretched Inferno!


Showing up to another metal show at Koto this weekend, I was introduced to another new & exciting metal band local to us in Andover, Massachusetts - Wretched Inferno

Sunday, October 10, 2021

Thursday, September 30, 2021

SHS Show Coverage - Mourned, Funeral Leech, & Blood Incantation 9/23/21

The recent widespread vaccination and mask requirement safety protocols has lead to a surge in shows... it seems like there are must-see shows happening almost daily! One of these definitely was Grayskull Booking's event at The Middle East in Boston featuring the well-known local band Mourned, NYC death-doom band Funeral Leech, and the 2020 breakthrough tech-death band Blood Incantation.

Sunday, September 12, 2021

Upcoming Events In The Area - Mid September Edition

So I have recovered from a breakthrough COVID infection since my last post. Grateful for the vaccine in that my case was mild. Let's get masked up and back to normal! Here are some shows I'm excited about that are coming up. 

Saturday, August 14, 2021

Some Heretic Sect Manifesto - 2021 Update

Welcome To Some Heretic Sect.


SHS exists to promote independent artists, designers, and musicians in the greater Boston scene

SHS does not exist for personal profit - we will grow together

SHS is interested in putting on events or assisting promoters

SHS is interested in collaboration with musicians for the purposes of forming a band or one-off projects

SHS is interested in the production of physical media

The mainstream/non-local content exists here to help generate interest & bring in other kindred spirits within the subcultures (Electronic/Goth/Punk/HC/Metal) we cover, and will decrease as our audience grows

We will be moving to when our new site launches

We have just opened an Instagram @somehereticsect and a new YouTube Channel:
