Saturday, May 4, 2013

S.H.S. Show Review - The Sun, The Moon, The Stars At Clash Bar 5/3/13

With vocalist Matthew Dwyer moving abroad, The Clash Bar in Clifton, NJ was packed last night for one last hurrah with TSTMTS before their hiatus. The crowd ranged from close friends and family, diehards, and all other manner of new & old fans. The evening was an emphatically fitting sendoff.

An all-encompassing vibe was set early on, one that was a celebration, not just of the band itself, but the group as fans of this type of music... As they played brand new songs off 'The God,' Matthew reminded us that we are the most important people in our lives, that we have a choice, we create our realities, and reject force-fed ideologies. He said, "We are all here for a reason..." 

I know I wasn't the only one who felt I was amongst kindred souls, and I certainly wish Matthew all the best with the exciting endeavors he has decided to go for. All the friends and family who came out got a unique glimpse into our heavy music world and hopefully understood its merits, if only for a second.

My video footage of the band performing "It's The Fish"

My complete photo gallery

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