Tuesday, June 25, 2013

S.H.S. Album Review - Noisem: Agony Defined

NOISEM's debut LP "Agony Defined" has officially been shipped via A389 Records... If you're like this reviewer, you've held off on internet previews in order to be pleasantly blown away during a straight-through listen to the vinyl record. From start to finish, this is a true musical onslaught.  Formerly known as Necropsy, this band brings their A-game with a very literal youthful exuberance - as it's members range from 15 to 20 years old.

The very first noticeable thing on the opening track, "Voices In The Morgue," is just how fast this band can play. Blazing guitar solos, thrashy beats, tight time changes, and exciting stops - all of the classic hallmarks of a rousing metal record are here. The intensity never lets up - there are no doomy elements or melodic instrumental pieces... just pure, early death metal and thrash sounds! The drumming brings to mind albums such as Death's "Scream Bloody Gore," while the breakneck riffs recall the best songs from the Bay Area Thrash era. The latter, is particularly noticeable on my favorite track,"Split From The Inside Out." The band lists Repulsion as one of their interests on their Facebook page and we can see them demonstrate their love of the band with another song off side-B, entitled "Severed." I cannot overstate the fact that my interest was captivated for the entire record, however I think side B has a slight favorable edge that really won me over.

Agony Defined is ultimately a masterpiece like none that I've heard in a very long time, and shocking as a debut for its quality. I don't know where these young guys got their chops, or how Dom discovered them, but I am very grateful and impressed. Can't wait to check them out live!

Review Score: 4.75/5

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